Opening Hours
Visit Us
Monday - Thursday: 3pm - Midnight
Weekends: 3pm - 3am

About Us
What is TheArcave
TheArcave is lounge and a multi entertainment facility offering Sony PC games Microsoft games, bowling live DJ tournaments pool table also exclusive arcade. Machines from Japan with food and beverages is unparalleled by its competitors.

Origin of TheArcave
One summer in 1999 owner Derrick Burton visit his aunt and cousins in Atlanta one of his cousins had a Nintendo but he was very selfish so that summer Mr.  Burton didn't play the famous duck hunt but surprisingly when he returned back home to New Orleans , he received his own game system (Dream Cast) shortly after that it was stolen by someone, he called friend. After that  excitement for games was over for a long time until he became a father and gave his son his first Microsoft game (Xbox) he never understood the concept of grown men playing videos games until that moment. At that time Mr. Burton was working as  a kitchen supervisor for a bar and grill called New Orleans daiquiri and that's when he got inspired of a game lounge like none other and thus TheArcave was a establish on 3/29/2020.
Vision &Values
TheArcave is all about the experience and each and every moment rekindling childhood memories and creating unforgettable memories
At TheArcave we believe our core values will bring success and further growth
Results: we are accountable to deliver service for our guest with a sense of urgency.
Service: we are engaged and passionate, going above and beyond.
Integrity: we do the right thing with dignity and respect.